
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Delano Jt. Union HSD
September 11, 2018 5:00PM
Delano High School Library, 1331 Cecil Avenue

Pres. Morrison called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m.
The Board led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.
C.1. Approve adoption of the Agenda as presented.
Passed with a motion by Art Armendariz and a second by Jesus Cardenas.
Yes Art Armendariz.
Yes Jesus Cardenas.
Yes Eloise Carrillo.
Yes Arnold Morrison.
Yes Lionel Reyna.
D.1. Approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 21, 2018
Passed with a motion by Eloise Carrillo and a second by Art Armendariz.
Yes Art Armendariz.
Yes Jesus Cardenas.
Yes Eloise Carrillo.
Yes Arnold Morrison.
Yes Lionel Reyna.
Minutes of August 21, 2018
The ASB Representatives from each of the schools updated the Board on activities at their sites including Back to School Nights, Freshmen elections, Suicide Prevention events, 9/11 Remembrances and athletics.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The public may address the Board on any matter pertaining to the school district that is not on the agenda. The public may address the Board on each of the remaining items on the agenda as those items are taken up. Unless otherwise determined by the Board, each person is limited to three (3) minutes per item. If a large number wish to speak on a specific item, there is a time limit of 20 minutes total input on any item. (FORMS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE BOARD ROOM ENTRANCE FOR THIS PURPOSE.) If a member of the public wishes to voice specific complaints or charges against an employee, it is the policy of the Board to hear such complaints or charges in closed session unless otherwise requested by the employee pursuant to Government Code 54957. In order to protect the employee's right to adequate notice before a hearing of such complaints or charges, and also to preserve the ability of the board to legally consider the complaints or charges in any subsequent evaluation of the employee, a written request must be submitted to the Superintendent five (5) business days prior to the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees.

G.1. Board Members' Reports
Trustee Reyna congratulated his fellow Board members for running unopposed in the upcoming election. Trustee Cardenas congratulated CCHS on their victory in last week's football game. Trustee Armendariz said he attended the Dia de la Familia event this past weekend and he thanked Delano Adult School and CCHS for having booths at the event. He commended Central Valley Farmworkers Foundation for promoting health and wellness in our community. He said he attended the Back to School Nights and they went very well. Pres. Morrison said he also attended the Back to School Night events and was very impressed with the entertainment provided by the choirs and bands. He also attended the Dia de la Familia event and took lots of pictures. He said it was very nice and much bigger than last year's event.
G.2. Superintendent's Report: [a] SISC and Kern County Investment Reports for the quarter ending June 30, 2018
Mr. Jason Garcia shared that he had spoken to Dr. Nuckols and she is doing exceptionally well and is hoping to be back to work soon. He congratulated everyone on a successful beginning to the school year and on their Back to School Night events. He congratulated the students on their kick off to the new school year. Mr. Adrian Maduena shared info on the SISC Quarterly Investment Report.
Kern Co. Investment Report June 2018
SISC Quarterly Report for June 2018
The motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda/Routine Business Items as presented. Passed with a motion by Art Armendariz and a second by Lionel Reyna.
Yes Art Armendariz.
Abstain Jesus Cardenas.
Yes Eloise Carrillo.
Yes Arnold Morrison.
Yes Lionel Reyna.
H.1. POs/Warrants/Registers
PO Report - August 2018
H.2. Approve Personnel Report as follows:
H.2.a. Approve the following job descriptions and approve posting the positions:
Quick Summary / Abstract:
  1. Intervention Counselor
  2. Alternative Education/Intervention Counselor
H.2.b. Approve the following individuals for stipend/extra-duty positions at Delano High School for the 2018-19 school year:
Quick Summary / Abstract:
  1. Mario Nunez as a WASC Focus Group Chair
  2. SheRie Wolosz as an Independent Study Instructor
  3. Marlex Booc as Band Director and Color Guard Advisor
H.2.c. Approve the following coaches at Delano High School for the 2018-19 school year:
Quick Summary / Abstract:
  1. Shauna Gravelle as Head Varsity Girls Basketball Coach (#2105)
  2. Paul Gravelle as Head JV Girls Basketball Coach (#2106)
  3. Theresa (Rita) Banks as Head Frosh Girls Basketball Coach (#2107)
  4. Jon Martinez as Head Varsity Wrestling Coach (#2120)
  5. Mike Cardenas as Head Varsity Baseball Coach (#2140)
  6. Donald Chandler as Head Boys Golf Coach (#2160)
  7. Rudy Arellano as Head Frosh Baseball Coach (#2143)
  8. Erica Richardson as Head Frosh Volleyball Coach (previously approved as a volunteer)
H.2.d. Approve the following extra-duty positions at Cesar E. Chavez High School for the 2018-19 school year:
Quick Summary / Abstract:
  1. Carol Gardner as a Tutorial Teacher
  2. Scott Neal as a Tutorial Teacher
  3. Joel Duran as a Detention Supervisor (after school)
H.2.e. Approve the following coaches at Cesar E. Chavez High School for the 2018-19 school year:
Quick Summary / Abstract:
  1. Manuel Huerta as a volunteer for Frosh Football
  2. Gabriel Cruz as a volunteer for Frosh Football
  3. Esperanza Campos as a volunteer for Cross Country
H.2.f. Approve the following individuals for extra-duty positions at Robert F. Kennedy High School for the 2018-19 school year:
Quick Summary / Abstract:
  1. Abdullah Ali - Teacher Mentor
  2. Adalia Gonzalez - Teacher Mentor
  3. Sara Cipriano - Teacher Mentor
  4. Stacey Ericsson - Teacher Mentor
  5. Tatyana Folger - Teacher Mentor
  6. Adalia Gonzalez - Tutorial Teacher
  7. Crystal Nevarez - Tutorial Teacher
  8. Chris Anfoso - Credit Recovery Program Teacher (after school)
H.2.g. Approve the posting of a (.33 FTE) Career Technical Education Teacher (Public Service - Mock Trial). (#TBD)
H.2.h. Approve the following coaches at Robert F. Kennedy High School for the 2018-19 school year:
Quick Summary / Abstract:
  1. Saturnino Baldelomar as a volunteer for Volleyball
  2. Celeste Carcha as a volunteer for Cheer
H.2.i. Approve the following stipend/extra-duty positions at Valley High School for the 2018-19 school year:
Quick Summary / Abstract:
  1. Susana Ruiz-Rubio as Focus on Learning Chair
  2. Jimmie Beltran as Yearbook Advisor
  3. Jimmie Beltran as Newspaper Advisor
  4. Susana Ruiz-Rubio as a Tutorial Teacher
  5. Eliseo Santillano as a Saturday School Instructor
  6. Sarah Plumlee as Detention Supervisor
H.2.j. Approve the following individuals for the Migrant Education Program for the 2018-19 school year:
Quick Summary / Abstract:
  1. Marisol Pimentel - Migrant Tutorial Teacher (Math - CCHS)
  2. SheRie Wolosz - Migrant Tutorial Teacher (Math - DHS)
  3. Daniel Montoya - Migrant Tutorial Teacher (Math - RFKHS)
  4. Marbella DeLeon - Resource Counselor (CCHS)
  5. Sandra Oropeza - Resource Counselor (DHS)
  6. Martha Ramirez - Resource Counselor (RFKHS)
H.2.k. Accept the resignation of Richard McCrow as a 4-hour Special Education Instructional/Specialized Physical Health Care Aide, effective August 27, 2018, and approve posting the position. (#888173)
H.2.l. Approve Alejandra Ayon, Testing Assessment Technician, as a Principal's Secretary II (#300027), effective October 1, 2018. (#888081)
H.2.m. Approve Tirzah Ruiz, Duplications/Textbook Clerk (#888017), as Library/AV/Textbook Clerk at Robert F. Kennedy High School, effective September 12, 2018, and approve posting the position. (#888024)
H.2.n. Approve Jeanne C. Bumatay as an Administrative Secretary II (Classified Confidential), effective September. 24, 2018. (#000033)
H.2.o. Approve the following classified substitutes:
Quick Summary / Abstract:
  1. Jose Osuna - Campus Security and Discipline Liaison, Clerical, Custodial/Utility, and Special Education Instructional Aide
  2. John Paredez, Jr. - Campus Security
  3. Karina Arellano - Account Clerk, Clerical, Food Services, Instructional Aide, and Special Education Instructional Aide
  4. Alberto Reyna - Custodial/Utility
  5. Robert Cisneros - Custodial/Utility
  6. Isaac Ferrel - Campus Security, Food Service, Instructional Aide, Special Education Instructional Aide
H.3. Approve Conference Requests: [a] D. Sanchez and I. Martinez to Bridge to the Future IV Institute in Anaheim from Nov. 5-7, 2018, [b] O. Luna, N. Obeid, J. Flores and E. Moreno to AERIES Routes to Student Success Conf. in Sacramento from Oct. 7-9, 2018, [c] S. Staples, V. Alcantar, E. Gonzalez, and S. Gravelle to Get Focused Stay Focused in Manteca from Sept. 27-28, 2018
a. Bridge to the Future IV Institute
b. Routes to Student Success Conf
c. Get Focused Stay Focused Conf.
H.4. Approve Special Trip Requests: [a] I Perez, chaperons and students to Cool Breeze in Pasadena on Sept. 7, 2018, [b] J. Angkahan, chaperons and students to Woodbridge Cross Country Classic in Norco on Sept. 15, 2018.
a. RFKHS Cross Country to Pasadena
b. DHS Cross Country to Norco
H.5. Approve Memorandum of Understanding with Delano Union School District regarding Spanish I classes.

This agreement will create a system by which DUSD students can earn high school credit in Spanish I.  We recommend approval.

MOU with Delano Union School District re: Spanish I
H.6. Approve Memorandum of Understanding with Delano Union School District regarding Algebra I classes.

This agreement will create a system by which DUSD students can earn high school credit in Algebra I.  We recommend approval.

MOU with Delano Union School District re: Algebra I
H.7. Approve Clinical Internship Agreement with California State University, Fresno.

I would like to request the Board's approval of the Clinical Internship Agreement with California State University, Fresno (CSUF).  The signed agreement allows the CSUF nursing program to do a pediatric or graduate rotation in our high schools.  The nursing student will be supervised by a registered, licensed, and or certified professional along with the University faculty.

This is a good opportunity to show incoming nurses the possibilities for School Nursing.  I have mentored many students from CSUF and CSUB over the last 19 years here at the district.  The district is known for our high standard of care for this community.  We both benefit from the program.  All the School Nurses that have worked in our district and elementary district have come from these programs.

Thank you for your consideration.

Clinical Internship Agreement with CSUF
H.8. Approve Consultant Agreement with Erika Reyna for the 2018/2019 school year, not to exceed $2,700.00.
Consultant Agreement for Erika Reyna
H.9. Approve Consultant Agreement with Briana Gomez for the 2018/2019 school year, not to exceed $2,700.00
Consultant Agreement for Briana Gomez
I.1. Approve or Deny the Readmittance of Expulsion Case #2017/2018-14.
The motion was made to approve the readmittance. Passed with a motion by Eloise Carrillo and a second by Lionel Reyna.
Yes Art Armendariz.
Yes Jesus Cardenas.
Yes Eloise Carrillo.
Yes Arnold Morrison.
Yes Lionel Reyna.
I.2. Approve or Deny Interdistrict Agreement #2018/2019-56.
The motion was made to approve Interdistrict Agreement #2018/2019-56. Passed with a motion by Lionel Reyna and a second by Eloise Carrillo.
Yes Art Armendariz.
Yes Jesus Cardenas.
Yes Eloise Carrillo.
Yes Arnold Morrison.
Yes Lionel Reyna.
I.3. Approve Resolution #2018/2019-04 regarding Empowering and Preparing Youth for a Stronger Democracy

This resolution was drafted after the presentation at last month's Board meeting.  We recommend approval.

Passed with a motion by Art Armendariz and a second by Lionel Reyna.
Yes Art Armendariz.
Yes Jesus Cardenas.
Yes Eloise Carrillo.
Yes Arnold Morrison.
Yes Lionel Reyna.
Resolution #2018/2019-04
I.4. Approve adoption of Resolution #2018/2019-05, Establishing Appropriations Limit Under Government Code §§790, ET SEQ.

Annually, the Governing Board must adopt a resolution establishing the district's appropriation limit for the current year by adjusting the prior year's appropriation limit.  Resolution #2018/2019-05 satisfies the district's legal requirement as per the Government Code.

Calculations of appropriation limits are performed by the SACS Software developed by the California Department of Education and are attached for your review.

Board approval is recommended.

Passed with a motion by Lionel Reyna and a second by Jesus Cardenas.
Yes Art Armendariz.
Yes Jesus Cardenas.
Yes Eloise Carrillo.
Yes Arnold Morrison.
Yes Lionel Reyna.
Resolution #2018/2019-05
I.5. Approve 2017/2018 Unaudited Actuals
Passed with a motion by Lionel Reyna and a second by Eloise Carrillo.
Yes Art Armendariz.
Yes Jesus Cardenas.
Yes Eloise Carrillo.
Yes Arnold Morrison.
Yes Lionel Reyna.
2017/2018 Unaudited Actuals
I.6. Approve CSBA Manual Updates for July 2018:
Quick Summary / Abstract:

ADD:  BP 0415 - Equity; DELETE:  BP 1020 - Youth Services; CHANGE:  BP/AR 1330 - Use of Facilities; BP 1400 - Relations Between Other Governmental Agencies and the Schools; BP 2210 Administrative Discretion Regarding Board Policy; BP 3312.2 - Educational Travel Program Contracts;  DELETE:  AR 3312.2 - Educational Travel Program Contracts; CHANGE:  BP/AR 3320 - Claims and Actions Against the District; ADD: BP 3515.21 - Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones); CHANGE:  BP 4140 - Bargaining Units; AR 4157.2 - Ergonomics; BP/AR 6174 - Education for English Learners; BB 9310 - Board Policies

Passed with a motion by Lionel Reyna and a second by Art Armendariz.
Yes Art Armendariz.
Yes Jesus Cardenas.
Yes Eloise Carrillo.
Yes Arnold Morrison.
Yes Lionel Reyna.
CSBA Manual Maintenance July 2018
I.7. Approve the Sideletter of Agreement between the Delano Joint Union High School District and CSEA #79 regarding Staffing Change dated August 22, 2018.
Passed with a motion by Art Armendariz and a second by Lionel Reyna.
Yes Art Armendariz.
Yes Jesus Cardenas.
Yes Eloise Carrillo.
Yes Arnold Morrison.
Yes Lionel Reyna.
Sideletter CSEA re: Staffing Change (Utility Wkr to Custodian)
I.8. Approve the Classified Salary Schedule reflecting a 4% increase effective July 1, 2018.
Passed with a motion by Art Armendariz and a second by Jesus Cardenas.
Yes Art Armendariz.
Yes Jesus Cardenas.
Yes Eloise Carrillo.
Yes Arnold Morrison.
Yes Lionel Reyna.
Classified Salary Schedule 2018-19
I.9. Approve going to bid for E-Rate services listed below for the 2019/2020 school year:
Quick Summary / Abstract:
  • Telecommunication Services (Category 1, Bucket 2)
    • Dedicated Point to Point: DHS, CCHS, RFKHS @ 40 Gbps and up to 100 Gbps
    • 10 Gb Internet Access Bundled Services and up to 100 Gbps
  • Internal Connections (Category 2, Bucket 3)
    • DHS, CCHS, RFKHS and VHS
Passed with a motion by Lionel Reyna and a second by Eloise Carrillo.
Yes Art Armendariz.
Yes Jesus Cardenas.
Yes Eloise Carrillo.
Yes Arnold Morrison.
Yes Lionel Reyna.
E-Rate Year 22 services
J. CLOSED SESSION, pursuant to Govt. Code Sections 54956.9, 54956.9.5, 54957, 54957.1, 54957.2, and 54957.6. Adjourn _______ p.m. Return _______ p.m.
Pres. Morrison adjourned the meeting to Closed Session at 5:34 p.m. The meeting returned to Open Session at 6:06 p.m.
J.1. Enrollment Request from Student Expelled from Another District #2018/2019-001Confidential agenda item.
J.2. Enrollment Request from Student Expelled from Another District #2018/2019-002Confidential agenda item.
J.3. Claim for DamagesConfidential agenda item.
K.1. Approve or Deny Enrollment Request from Student Expelled from Another District #2018/2019-001Confidential agenda item.
The motion was made to deny enrollment request #2018/2019-001. Passed with a motion by Lionel Reyna and a second by Eloise Carrillo.
Yes Art Armendariz.
Yes Jesus Cardenas.
Yes Eloise Carrillo.
Yes Arnold Morrison.
Yes Lionel Reyna.
K.2. Approve or Deny Enrollment Request from Student Expelled from Another District #2018/2019-002Confidential agenda item.
The motion was made to deny enrollment request #2018/2019-002. Passed with a motion by Lionel Reyna and a second by Eloise Carrillo.
Yes Art Armendariz.
Yes Jesus Cardenas.
Yes Eloise Carrillo.
Yes Arnold Morrison.
Yes Lionel Reyna.
K.3. Reject Claim for Damages for incidents which occurred on February 5, 2018 and February 15, 2018.Confidential agenda item.
The motion was made to reject the Claim for Damages for incidents which occurred on February 5, 2018 and February 15, 2018 Passed with a motion by Eloise Carrillo and a second by Jesus Cardenas.
Yes Art Armendariz.
Yes Jesus Cardenas.
Yes Eloise Carrillo.
Yes Arnold Morrison.
Yes Lionel Reyna.
Pres. Morrison adjourned the meeting at 6:07 p.m.
Disability Information:
Any individual who requires disability-related accommodations or modifications, including auxiliary aid and services, in order to participate in the Board meeting should contact the Superintendent or designee in writing at least 48-hours in advance of the meeting. Any materials required by law to be made available to the public prior to a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Delano Joint Union High School District can be inspected at 1720 Norwalk St., during normal business hours.
9/11/2018 5:00:00 PM ( Original )
PresentArt Armendariz
PresentJesus Cardenas
PresentEloise Carrillo
PresentArnold Morrison
PresentLionel Reyna

The resubmit was successful.